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Film Festival Hero

Illuminate 48 Film Festival

The OCC Art Collective invites students to express their creativity in writing, performing, shooting, and editing a short film in this 48-hour film festival.

About the Competition

Films will be judged by a panel of professional film producers and discriminating film consumers. This festival is open to teams of OCC students, alumni, high school students, and the Joplin community.

The competition begins at Friday, April 19, when the theme is announced to registered teams. Teams will have 48 hours from that time to write, shoot and edit a 3-5 minute film based on the theme and including five required elements. Teams must:

     · have written permission to use any locations, actors, and music

     · submit documentation of the film’s credits (actors, original music, production team members and roles) by Sunday, April 22.

Short Film Entries

  • 2023 Film Entries

    Click here to view the 2023 short film entries.

  • 2022 Film Entries

    Click here to view the 2022 short film entries.

  • 2021 Film Entries

    Click here to view the 2021 short film entries.

  • 2019 Film Entries

    Click here to view the 2019 short film entries.