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Academic Resource Commons

Academics ARC Hero

Hours of Operation

Monday and Wednesday: 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: 12:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Friday: 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

What is the ARC?

Located in the upper level of the Seth Wilson Library, OCC’s Academic Resource Commons exists to help all OCC students succeed academically.

The ARC offers free academic tutoring, writing support, resources and learning accommodations for students with accommodation plans.

Peer tutoring for all Ozark Christian College courses and writing support are free of charge.

ARC Workshops

ARC workshops include test preparation, time management, research methods, Turabian, APA, and more.

2023-2024 ARC Staff

Katie Coen, Director
Piper Mills, Assistant
Kevin Atchison, Tutor
Lanaelee Crawford, Tutor
Ethan Morton, Tutor
Rosie McVicker, Tutor

Frequently Asked Questions

General ARC Services

  • Do I need to make an appointment to meet with a tutor?

    It's not required, but it is recommended. An appointment secures your spot with a tutor. We are happy to take walk-ins if we have open spots on our schedule.

  • How do I make an appointment? Or reschedule?

    Schedule an appointment here. First-time users will need to create an account using their student email address. After registering, simply enter your email address and the password you created to log on to the system and set up an appointment for the tutor and time slot you desire.

    To reschedule, just log on to the online scheduling system to make a new appointment.

  • If I’m running late, how long will you hold my spot for me?

    We can only hold your spot for ten minutes. If you're going to be more than ten minutes late for your appointment, you'll need to reschedule.

  • How long are tutoring appointments?

    Most sessions last 30 minutes, but you can schedule an hour-long session if you'd like. We recommend hour-long sessions for papers that are longer than five pages.

  • Can the ARC print out a paper for me?

    No, but you can take a memory stick up to the computers in the Library and print from there. The computers in the Library print to the copy machine located near the reference section. Students may print school-related papers for free.

  • Does the ARC provide paper or pens or GradeMasters?

    No. You'll need to bring these supplies with you when you come to the ARC. You may purchase those items in the school bookstore.

  • I have been granted a testing accommodation. Where do I go to take my tests?

    Either call the ARC or come by to schedule an appointment to take the test. Depending on your specific accommodation, you'll be given extra testing time and/or a test reader.

Academic Tutoring

  • Do I have to pay for tutoring?

    No. It's completely free for any Ozark students enrolled in any Ozark class.

  • I’m not required to participate in tutoring, but I'd like to meet with a tutor. Is that allowed?

    Definitely! We're here for all Ozark students. Simply log on to the online scheduling program or stop by the ARC to schedule an appointment with one of our peer tutors.

  • I'm in a class at Missouri Southern or Pitt State or Crowder, and I need help with that class. Can I make an appointment with a tutor at Ozark's Academic Resource Commons for that?

    We recommend that you contact the academic support services at your other college for assistance with that class. The Ozark ARC is only designed to help students enrolled in Ozark classes.

  • I don’t need tutoring every week, so can I just see a tutor when I need help with an assignment?

    Absolutely! While some students want to meet with our tutors on a weekly basis, we love to help students with individual assignments or projects or academic skills, too. Just let us know when you schedule your appointment what you would like assistance with.

  • What should I bring with me to my tutoring appointment?

    We recommend bringing the assignment or project that you would like assistance with. We also recommend that you bring your instructor's syllabus and any notes you have taken in class. Our peer tutors will use those to set the course for the session. If you need help with course reading material, we also recommend bringing your course textbook with you. You may also want to bring pens or pencils and paper or your laptop with you to the appointment.

  • I’m working on my Principles of Interp project, and I need someone to look at it. Can I bring the whole thing in?

    We would strongly urge you to get help on your Principles project throughout the semester. We aren't really able to provide feedback on an entire project, but we would be more than happy to help you with items such as an individual word study or research for historical context.

Writing Support

  • Can I just drop my paper off for proofreading?

    Sorry, but no. We can't help you improve your writing skills if we are just making correction marks on your paper. We set up face-to-face sessions because students become better writers when they have a chance to discuss their writing with and get feedback from someone else.

  • What should I bring to my appointment?

    Obviously, you will want to bring your paper with you, in whatever form it is in (rough draft, handwritten notes on scratch paper, final draft, etc.). Please bring your professor's assignment guidelines for the paper you're working on. This helps us tailor our feedback to the specific assignment. You may also want to bring a pen and paper to take notes on as you work with the tutor.

  • Can you tell me what grade you think I will get on my paper?

    No. Only your instructor can do that.

  • Why did the ARC staff recommend an hour-long session for my paper?

    We find that most students who are working on 2-5 page papers can have their writing concerns addressed in about 25-30 minutes. However, for longer papers, it may take you and the tutor closer to an hour to work through your concerns. Remember that part of your session will simply be spent reading through the paper.

Academic Status and the ARC

  • My admissions paperwork says that I am required to take participate in academic workshops and tutoring. Why?

    New students who meet two of the following conditions will be required to attend at least 5 workshops, participate in tutorings and will be limited to taking 13 credit hours.

    1. ACT (composite)—19 or below
    2. ACT (English)—17 or below
    3. High school or college (for transfers)—GPA of less than 2.50.
  • Why are some returning students required to participate in academic workshops and tutoring?

    If a student's institutional/cumulative GPA falls below 1.670 during the first 59 earned hours or 2.000 once 60 hours are earned, he/she will be placed on Academic Warning. While on Academic Warning, the student will be required to participate in ARC workshops and tutoring and will be limited to taking 13 credit hours.

  • Are the ARC workshops like a regular college course?

    No. You get to choose the workshops that you would like to attend. Remember that if your academic status requires your participation, you need to attend at least 5 of them. Attendance records will be kept because your academic status depends on your participation in the workshops. At the end of the semester, the Academics Office and the Registrar’s Office will be notified of any students who do not meet the workshop attendance requirement. 

  • I've already been on Academic Warning status before and have taken all the workshops. Now I'm on Academic Warning for a second time. What do I do this time?

    You will be required to participate in weekly tutoring; we call this a tutoring-only requirement. You'll be required to meet with the ARC director at the beginning of the semester, when you'll discuss your academic goals, set up a weekly tutoring time with a peer tutor, and sign a contract outlining the conditions of your enrollment status. If the conditions of the contract aren't met during your Academic Warning status/tutoring-only semester, you'll be placed on Academic Suspension the following semester.

Make-Up Tests and Test Proctoring

  • I missed a test in my class. Can I retake it in the ARC?

    If you missed a test for a personal reason/choice, you will need to see your professor for test re-takes. If you missed a test because you were on a school-sponsored event/trip, then your professor may allow you to take the test in the ARC. Double-check this with your professor.

  • I'm taking an online Ozark class, and the instructor says I need to find a proctor for the exams. Can you do that?

    Yes. Inform your professor that you would like to take your exams in the ARC. Often, the professor will contact us with the necessary testing information and passwords. You'll need to take the test in our testing room, using our computers, during our regular hours.

  • I'm taking an online class at another college. Can you proctor exams for other schools?

    Yes. However, each college will have its own proctor requirements, so discuss this with your instructor and bring us the necessary information to set up communication with your instructor. We ask that you take the test in our testing room on our computers. You'll need to take your tests during our regular open hours.

  • Can I use my own computer to take online tests?

    No. For security reasons, we require students to use our computers that are set up in the testing room.