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Multicultural Affairs

Multicultural Affairs Hero

What is the Multicultural Affairs Department?

OCC's Multicultural Affairs Department seeks to cultivate a multiethnic, multicultural campus and constituency by working across college departments to intentionally recruit and retain ethnic minority students and to increase campus and classroom cultural inclusivity.

What is a Mosaic Lunch?

Mosaic Lunches are a chance for OCC students, faculty, and staff to discuss difficult topics in the nation and the church. Most of the topics pertain to diversity, culture, and politics. Join us each month in the OCC Banquet Hall (upper cafeteria) from 12:15PM–1:30PM.

Mosaic Lunches

  • September 13: What does the Bible say on Human Sexuality?

    Hots: Michael DeFazio 

    Description: A conversation on how Scripture informs us on what human sexuality is in general and how this informs Christians on how to approach the current conversation on homosexuality and identity.

  • September 20: What does the Bible say on Human Sexuality? Part 2

    Hosts: Carl and Shannon Wendt (pizza lunch)

    Description: Knowing what the Bible says on sexuality is just part of the Christians work. The other part is learning how to love and show compassion to all people well and hold to biblical conviction. This conversation involves discussing how to love and serve others across the sexual orientation spectrum.

  • November 8: Race and Criminal Justice

    Panel: Matthew McBirth, Daja McAtee, Sloan Rowland (retired chief of Joplin Police) [RSVP is required for Chick-fil-a]

    Description: An honest conversation on fostering reconciliation between law enforcement and communities who distrust it.


  • October 5: Coffee is Culture

    7:00 PM in the Student Center/Chapel

  • October 28: Trip to Kansas City's Negro League and American Jazz Museum

    Trip to Kansas City's Negro League and American Jazz Museum

    Time of departure: 9:00 AM

    RSVP to [email protected]

About Multicultural Affairs

The Ozark community is committed to honoring and broadening the ethnic diversity of our community and to treating every person with respect and love. We want every student to feel at home at OCC, and we want to equip our students to be culturally agile in any context. Ozark equips students to serve in a diverse world. As we train men and women for Christian service, we seek to raise them up as leaders who encourage cultural and ethnic diversity for the sake of the gospel.

Meet Your Faculty Contact

  • Matthew McBirth is a certified administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), a survey that assesses an individual's or group's capacity to engage culture well. As our communities grow in cultural diversity, the church must be able to become "all things to all people" for the sake of the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:19–23). Matthew will help your church grow in cultural engagement and effectiveness when he administers the IDI, reviews the results, and offers practical advice. Contact Matthew below for more information on using the Intercultural Development Inventory in your ministry.
    Matthew Mc Birth 2023 square
    Matthew McBirth Multicultural Affairs Department Director