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Creative Arts Academy

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Creative Arts Academy

  • Location
    Joplin, MO
  • Date
    June 9 - 14, 2024

Event Summary

What is Creative Arts Academy?

The goal of Creative Arts Academy is to empower high school students to use their crafts in a way that creates Jesus culture in the world. We hope to inspire a generation of artists who will bring excellence, beauty, and truth to every realm of life. Through training in multiple disciplines, purposeful collaboration with other artists and peers, and in an atmosphere of joy, we believe students will leave as better artists and culture creators. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why the Creative Arts Academy?

    The goal of the Academy is to empower high school students to use their crafts in a way that creates Jesus culture in the world. We hope to inspire a generation of artists who will bring excellence, beauty, and truth to every realm of life. Through training in multiple disciplines, purposeful collaboration with other artists and peers, and in an atmosphere of joy, we believe students will leave as better artists and culture creators.

  • Who may enroll?

    Students entering high school through those who have just graduated from high school may attend the Academy. Registration requires a completed application and payment of registration fee. Tuition assistance is available. Contact us for more details.

  • Who will lead and teach at the academy?

    The Academy is led by Matt Stafford, Director of Worship and Creative Arts at OCC, Destiny Smith, Program Administrator, and Sammy Snow, Music Track Administrator. They are joined by 30+ artists, worship leaders and professionals who work with students in classrooms, rehearsal rooms, computer labs, studios, and production facilities on campus. OCC students also serve as facilitators and lab assistants. 

  • What will a typical day at the academy look like?

    After breakfast in OCC’s Dining Hall, students will meet for a brief time of worship and devotional reflection. The morning will include instruction and rehearsal with artist mentors. In the afternoon, students will have more instruction, rehearsal, elective courses, and rest. After dinner, we’ll gather again for a time of worship featuring a keynote speaker and a variety of performing artists. The evening will conclude with community groups and late-night activities, including open mic, comedy improv, and artist performances.

  • What kind of instruction will I receive?

    Instrumentalists and vocalists will have both group rehearsals and private lessons. Students in other tracks will work with professional artists directly for 20 hours during the week and will also have lab time facilitated by our college student staff.

  • What are the accommodations?

    Students will stay in the college residence halls under the supervision of residence directors and summer college staff. Meals will be provided in the dining hall. Access to residence halls is controlled by key cards provided to each student. Students will be in the halls immediately after the final evening events conclude. 

  • What performance opportunities are available?

    During the week, students have an opportunity to perform at our “open mic” event. The week will conclude with a Friday afternoon worship event at 4:00 p.m., showcasing the work of all the students. Parents, friends, and members of the community are invited to attend Friday’s event.